Lucy is getting so big! She has her 4-month appointment Wednesday, May 6th. We just switched Peds and I am very happy about it. We had a lot of trouble with out old pediatrician. We now have to drive all the way to the South Hill, but well worth it. They already told us lots about the effects of the RSV that she had. She is now considered an Asthma patient, and has had 2 mild asthma attacks. Very scary. Pretty much anything that is an allergen (pollen, pet dander, dust) can set her off and also any type of cold that she gets will most likely result in a cough. She pretty much coughs all the time. We have to continue to do nebulizer treatments, but not every 4 hours anymore. Just when she gets wheezy or coughing fits. Yeah for having a baby born in RSV season! Not!

I love this picture. It really shows Lucy's personality. She is always so smiley, but she very much wants to rule the world. I love it because it seems like she is saying, "Honestly, do we really have to do this...matching shirts mom...come on!" Taking pictures of the two of them together has proven to be very difficult. This was the best out of like 30 pictures I took. Success will come someday maybe.
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