Thursday, January 22, 2009


Lucy had her 2 week check-up on Monday. She is growing like a weed. She weighted 7lbs 14ozs, which is exactly 1 pound since her 3 day check-up. The doctor said that they usually expect them to be back to their birth weight (which was 7-4) and that she is doing great. Callie is also growing like crazy. She went in for an "ear check" after having two ear infections in a row and has gained 1 1/2 pounds in 5 weeks. She is up to 25 1/2 pounds.

Lucy is awake much more, and luckily it is mostly during the day now. She is a very good sleeper, she just needs to figure out that she is suppose to sleep at night and play during the day. She really enjoys looking at her big sister and her toys. She is fairly aware of the things going on around her and likes the busyness. Callie is so fun! I think that 2 is the most fun age yet. She is learning so quickly and is just so amazed at everythink around her. I wish that I could go back to that sometimes. She has learned most of her colors and can tell you her right and left now. She is working on getting her numbers, counting, and her letters. She knows some by sight already. We might be bias, but we think that she is a very smart 2 year old. She spends most of her days coloring, playing playdoh, reading (well me reading) books, playing with her Little People farm, or lugging her baby (also named Lucy) around. All in all, we are truly enjoying having two kids and feel extremely blessed as a family.

Love from us all!

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