Here is the Birthday Girl! She was so excited all day. I like to think it was because she knew it was her birthday, but I think she was just really caught up on sleep. She just ran a muck at Grandma's house and thourally enjoyed playing with her new toy.

Cake time was pretty funny. We were pretty sure that she would eat most of her cake, because she loves sweets. So we gave her just a piece of the cake so she wouldn't get to sugary. This was when she first started trying it. She tasted it and messed it up quite a bit, but she didn't look too sure about the whole thing.

Then we were sure of what she thought. She was not happy. She did not like her cake or the mess it made on her. She lasted all of 5 minutes and was done.

She doesn't look like it in this picture, but she was pretty excited to be getting cleaned up in the sink. She loves water and especially baths. She was starting to get so tired by this point. I think it was like 6:30p. Pretty sad how early she is ready for bed.

She made it all of 1 block in the car, before she was completely out. She didn't even fudge when I moved her to her bed when we got home. We have had such and amazing year, and have enjoyed Lucy so much. Some memories from her first year: there was colic in the beginning (I feel for all families that have to go through that), she has been a wonderful sleeper (completely unlike her older sister, who still doesn't sleep through the night), RSV/Asthma, crawling at 5 1/2 months (added a level of chaos we weren't excpecting), walking at 10 months (upped that level of chaos dramatically), her first word was "touch" (sounds cute and was at first). If you have been around Lucy you know that her smiles and joyful disposition can brighten anyones day. We have been so blessed by the addition to Lucy to our lives and look forward to her little brother arriving in May.